What is my Victoria Park property worth?
We have sold over 760 properties in Victoria Park and its surrounding suburbs. We have a fair idea of what houses, apartments, units and townhouses sell for in this region. Our property team has over 130 years of real estate experience and can guide you through all the processes when it comes to selling a home.
Current Home Prices in Victoria Park.
The following images show the median house and apartment prices as of January 23, 2017. A house was worth on average $720,000 in February 2016. On October 31, 2019, that price has fallen to $620,000. Twelve months ago an apartment was valued at $450,000, Today the average apartment cost is $367,000.
A three-bedroom home will cost $537,500 and $715,000 will purchase a 4 bedroom home. If you are looking to buying an apartment $160,000 will buy a one-bedroom unit, 2 bedrooms will be around $264,000 and a three-bedroom unit is $410,500.
Real Estate Appraisal Victoria Park.
Getting a property valuation for a home, apartment or unit is best done expert real estate agents who are familiar with the region. We have a database of potential buyers who want to know when Victoria Park properties go on the market. Our experience in real estate in this region will deliver accurate market valuations. Couple that with a list of potential buyers and we believe will give you a maximum return on your property.
What is the process to Sell my Victoria Park home?
Firstly, make contact with one of our real estate team members. They will arrange an appointment to suit you. The agent will walk you through all the processes from valuation, marketing and completion of the sale. They can also offer ideas on how to present your home for sale which can include home staging and styling. Every avenue will be presented to you.
Browse our list of recently sold property in Victoria Park and surrounding suburbs.