Real Estate Appraisal Scarborough WA 6019

Real estate appraisal Scarborough WA

How Much is my Home Worth in Scarborough WA?

The latest median price for a house in Scarborough as of August 21, 2024, is $1,097,000. The median price for a unit is $620,000. It takes 26 days to sell a house and 32 days to sell a unit. If you’re searching for an investment property, Scarborough homes rent for $780 PW annually, yielding a 4.2% rental return, while units rent for $600 PW annually, yielding a 5.5% rental yield. In Scarborough, the compound annual growth rate for houses has been 15.8%, while for units, it has been 12.7%.

House prices and weekly rent returns in Scarborough WA.

  • 2 bedroom house $995,500 Rent per week $650
  • 3 bedroom house $1,065,500 Rent per week $750
  • 4 bedroom house $1,395,000 Rent per week $962

Unit prices and weekly rent returns in Scarborough WA.

  • 1 bedroom unit $430,000 Rent per week $500
  • 2 bedroom unit $570,000 Rent per week $560
  • 3 bedroom unit $835,000 Rent per week $750

Property Appraisal Scarborough WA 6019

We provide free appraisals on houses, units, apartments and land. When determining the value of a home to take into account the location to shops, schools and public transport. We also factor in the recent real estate sales history. We are available for consultation seven days a week. We will demonstrate how we get our final price. From here if you wish to sell we will suggest multiple options to selling your Scarborough home.

Real estate appraisal Scarborough WA

Rental Appraisal Scarborough WA 6019

Do you have an investment property or are you thinking of leasing your current home? Our property management team are free to meet at your convenience and appraise the property for rent free of charge. Rental appraisals are not the same as appraising a home. The landlord generally has criteria in relation to the type of tenants that lease their premises. The property may be long term or short term. They may or may not allow pets or large families. All these requirements are taken into account during the appraisal.

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