Real Estate Appraisal South Perth WA 6151

Real estate appraisal South Perth WA

Sell My Home in South Perth

Want to know how much your home in South Perth is worth? We provide real estate appraisals free of charge. We appraise land, units, apartments, townhouses and houses. Each appraisal is different and depends on the location. Some buyers are interested in quiet leafy suburbs. Others want to be near schools and shops or public transport. We have sold many homes in South Perth and know the value of a property accurately. We are available to meet seven days a week at your convenience.

How Much is My Home Worth in South Perth?

Real estate appraisal South Perth WA

The median price for a house as of August 21, 2024, is $1,827,000. The median price for a unit is $591,000. If you’re searching for an investment property, South Perth homes rent for $900 PW annually, yielding a 2.9% rental return, while apartments rent for $600 PW annually, yielding a 5.8% rental yield. The yearly compound growth rate for homes in South Perth has been 0.8% and for units it has been 17.0%.
House prices and weekly rent returns in South Perth.

  • 2 bedroom house $1,295,000 Rent per week $650
  • 3 bedroom house $1,750,000 Rent per week $812
  • 4 bedroom house $2,010,000 Rent per week $1,100

Unit prices and weekly rent returns in South Perth.

  • 1 bedroom unit $350,000 Rent per week $472
  • 2 bedroom unit $550,000 Rent per week $580
  • 3 bedroom unit $950,000 Rent per week $790

It takes on average 53 days to sell a house and 51 days to sell a unit in South Perth.

Rental Appraisal South Perth

We offer free rental appraisals on houses and units. Are you considering renting your investment property or your existing home? Our property management team manage multiple properties in South Perth. We are free to meet the landlord at the best suited time to discuss the type of tenant they prefer. We have a database of potential tenants which we filter to suit property. We manage the promotion of the rental, collect the rent, maintain the property and provide tax documents for the landlord. Our inspections are routine and defined by the Residential Tenancy Act. We have a zero policy on rental fees in arrears.

Recently Sold Homes in South Perth

Browse our list of recently sold property in South Perth including houses and units.

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